Free Printable Christmas Countdown

Whatever you celebrate this time of year, one thing is for sure: December always seems to fly. In the midst of the hurry, I love the idea of taking some time to prepare for the holiday. Since we celebrate Christmas, I prepared a little Christmas countdown, which is now hanging in our kitchen. Maybe you have some elaborate advent calendar. That's awesome. I had grand plans for an elaborate advent calendar which somehow never materialized. Go figure. But I still wanted to celebrate the coming holiday, so I designed a little Christmas countdown. It's eight days long, and you can print it today and get started right away! Or if you're stumbling upon this a few days before Christmas, just start wherever you are right now.

You can download and print the pages you need (for free!).

There are two days per page, and the PDFs are set up so you just print on an 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper or card stock and then cut them right down the middle.

Each day has a passage from the Bible listed at the bottom. You can read them or just read the little excerpt I included on each day. I got the passages from this advent reading list, which has four weeks of Bible passages leading up to Christmas.

There's a prompt on each page ("Today, let's celebrate by...") and space for you to fill in whatever you'd like. I looked at our calendar over the next week and decided on activities that would work with our schedule. For example, tonight we'll be picking my mom up at the airport, but before we do, we're setting aside some time to do a little last-minute shopping as a family. One night we're playing board games, another night we're wrapping presents while watching a Christmas movie. Maybe you want to do a random act of kindness or stuff Christmas cards into envelopes. I just liked the idea of doing something as a family that would help us get in the holiday spirit.

Do you do some kind of advent calendar or countdown for the holidays?

Here's the link again if you want to download this calendar for free!

Happy holidays!