snail mail

We’ve reached the tail end of holiday thank you season. (Did you send out personal notes for all the gifts you received this year? It’s not too late – pick up thank you cards on our Etsy shop by clicking HERE). The question for today is what to do with all of the snail mail you receive that you can’t bear to immediately part with (including thank yous from your nearest and dearest)?

I certainly don’t hold on to holiday cards, birth announcements, or personal notes forever, but I love to have them displayed in our house for a period of time. My solution is to keep a roll of magnetic strip with adhesive in the kitchen (you can PURCHASE over one hundred feet of it on Amazon for just over $20). I simply cut off a small piece, affix it to the back of the card I want to display, and use the refrigerator as my canvas. A magnet board installed in your kitchen or mudroom is another option. Ikea sells one for just $13. The SPONTAN magnet board can be hung either vertically or horizontally.
Though you may find this method of managing the flow of mail into your home borderline gaudy, this is one place in our house where I prefer an overabundance of smiling faces and personal keepsakes to clean lines and simplicity.

Stay tuned for Catherine’s solution on managing the flow of mail in her home.
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