snail mail mini book tutorial

When I started writing all the letters this year, I didn't expect to get much in return. I know snail mail isn't for everyone. In fact, I've sometimes wondered if my friends think I'm a total weirdo for sending them something in the mail. After all, emojis don't really translate in writing. But the response has been really great, and I've actually been paying closer attention to the mail coming through our door. Most of it is still junk and bills, but we actually get a decent amount of great mail.

I haven't wanted to part with it, so took a cue from Caylee (and this mini album) and I'm putting together a really simple mini-book of my own to document the letters and mail I receive this year.

I'm using a 3-ring chipboard binder (roughly 7 x 9 inches) and a hole punch so I can insert the cards (and some of the envelopes) directly in the album.

The label for the album cover is from Paislee Press, and the silver book plate on the spine is by Avery (I bought these on clearance for $2 / pack!).

I'm definitely putting personal letters in this album, but I also find I'm keeping beautiful packaging or collateral that comes with some of the stationery I've ordered this year. I love some of these pretty little things, like the letterpressed white bag pictured below from Moglea.

Hopefully this little album will be filled with snail mail goodness at the end of the year, but if not, maybe I'll write a letter to myself every once in awhile!

Do you keep letters and cards?